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廣告編號# A283070
Guitar Tutor - Regan Shum (台灣以內)

張貼於: 2024年2月20日(星期二) 19:13
更新於: 2024年2月20日(星期二) 21:30
到期日: 2024年8月18日(星期日) 11:13

Guitar Tutor - Regan Shum 15 years Teaching Guitar experienced Folk and Classical NT$1500 per hour

Strum Your Way to Success!

Ready to rock out on the guitar? Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to take your skills to the next level, our experienced guitar tutors are here to guide you on your musical journey.

Personalized Lessons: From mastering basic chords to advanced techniques, our tutors tailor each lesson to your individual goals, interests, and learning pace. Whether you dream of strumming along to your favorite songs or shredding epic solos, we'll help you achieve your musical aspirations.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Explore a wide range of musical styles, including rock, blues, jazz, folk, and more. Learn essential skills such as fretting, picking, rhythm, and music theory in a fun and engaging environment.

Performance Opportunities: Showcase your talents in recitals, jam sessions, and open mic nights. Build confidence on stage and receive constructive feedback from peers and instructors to enhance your performance skills.

Flexible Scheduling: We understand that life can be hectic, so we offer flexible scheduling options to fit your busy lifestyle. Whether you prefer in-person lessons or virtual sessions, we'll work with you to find a convenient time to strum away.

Join Regan Shum's guitar community today and unleash your inner rockstar! Contact us now to book your first lesson and start rocking out with confidence.

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